Mobile Mapping

Mobile Mapping provides the next step in advanced survey practices. Utilising the latest in dynamic LiDAR sensing technology, our teams can cover over 150km of roadways daily with internal tolerances of +/-30mm without putting survey teams in harm’s way.

Whether you’re looking for reliable data for Swept Path Analysis or high-resolution datasets to assist with master planning exercises, Mobile Mapping provides a comprehensive picture of your environment.

Our teams comprise qualified Land Surveyors and geomatics experts with extensive experience in the field of Mobile Mapping and advanced survey practices, providing our clients with data they can truly rely on.

  • Highly efficient data acquisition
  • Reduce the need for site revisits
  • Make better decisions with better data
  • Topographic Surveys
  • Measured Building Surveys
  • Efficient workflow from site to software
  • Enhanced accuracy
  • As-built vs as-designed analysis
Mobile Mapping done on an image of a dirt road in an undeveloped area
mobile mapping used on a road and some lampposts using LiDAR sensing
a Mobile Mapping image showing a row of houses and some roads

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